Behind The Lens

BEHIND THE LENS #20: Featuring Greg Srisavasdi, Leah Meyerhoff and Chantal Molnar



First up, welcome writer/director Leah Meyerhoff at 11:15 to talk about the visually hypnotic and technically impressive indie darling I BELIEVE IN UNICORNS. Navigating the difficult and troubled course of young love, Meyerhoff is masterful with creating a dichotomous tonal bandwidth of visual imagery and story, all to powerful result. Using Super 8mm, Super 16mm and 16mm plus stop motion animation, Meyerhoff more than proves her mettle as a filmmaker. It's a real treat to hear what she has to say. Then at 11:30, a hot button topic makes its way to BEHIND THE LENS with THE MILKY WAY when filmmaker and subject expert Chantal Molnar joins us to talk about breastfeeding in America. Covering everything from how industry has manipulated and managed the breastfeeding birthright to the public and political uproar about the act itself, this is a filmmaker and interview you won’t want to miss. And who doesn't want to hear from Big Bird! That's right! You can listen to the Bird himself with excerpts