570 Klif Podcasts

THE JANINE TURNER RADIO SHOW 1/14/2012 -- Fred Barnes, Hal Holbrook, Sean Spicer, and Brian McLanahan



Janine is super excited about her guests this evening! First out of the gate is Fred Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard and contributor to FOX News. Next is Sean Spicer, communications director of the Republican National Committee. Then, a two-part interview with Brian McLanahan about the Constitution, states' rights, and his new book "The Founding Fathers' Guide to the Constitution." Finally, a real treat! Janine dishes with legendary actor Hal Holbrook, best known for playing Abraham Lincoln in the TV series Lincoln. What a packed show! Listen to Janine live each saturday evening from her home studio at Talk Radio 570 KLIF-AM from 9pm-11pm CST. Want to keep up with Janine? Simply text "Janine" to 90210 and receive text updates. Follow Janine also on her Facebook and Twitter pages, and be sure to check out her website at Constituting America. Have a great night, y'all! :)