Bob Enyart Live

The Guy Who Put Two Words Together: Open & Theism!



LEGACY BROADCAST * The Future is Open: Dr. Richard Rice, Loma Linda theology professor and a leading advocate of open theism, is interviewed by Denver Bible Church pastor Bob Enyart. (Enyart is the co-founder of Dr. Rice's book, The Openness of God, was published in 1980, 14 years before he co-authored the famed 1994 book by the same name that he co-authored with Pinnock, Hasker, Basinger, and Sanders. Rice and Enyart have a relaxed and very interesting discussion of open theism and recent developments, and then go back in history to consider the way that Arminius himself wrestled with the matter. * Book Blurb: Open theism has reached its adolescence. How did it get here? And where does it go from here? Since IVP's publication of The Openness of God in 1994, evangelical theology has grappled with the alternative vision of the doctrine of God that open theism offers. Responding to critics who claim that it proposes a truncated version of God that fails to account for Scripture and denies m