By Faith With Christine Hoover

Maintaining a Tender Heart in Ministry (an interview with Amy Gannett)



Seeds of bitterness can grow in our hearts for a myriad of reasons. Our own insecurities, criticisms, and the sheer volume of tasks that need to be completed can harden our hearts towards those we’ve been called to serve. We can even be tempted to harden our hearts towards God in the midst of difficult ministry seasons. Author and Discipleship Director Amy Gannett shares the work God has done in her heart, teaching her to humble herself before Him and softening her heart for others and the work of ministry.  SHOW NOTES The enemy is the number one reason there is a fight against bitterness. He wants your heart to harden. God wants your heart to be tender, so pray confidently that He will soften it! When practicing forgiveness feels unfair, remember that God knows your story and fights for you and that you are held in the nail-pierced hand of a Savior who knows what you are feeling. QUOTES “So much of the weight we bear on our shoulders and carry in our hearts in ministry is unseen. Part of that is God