By Faith With Christine Hoover

Serving in Spanish Speaking Ministries (an interview with Carolina Santander, Yessenia Jimenez, Andrea Valenti, Karla Cox)



In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, this episode of the Ministry Wives podcast is being released completely in Spanish. Send Network Español is a branch of the North American Mission Board’s church planting ministry, Send Network. This ministry resources and helps support Spanish speaking church plants all over North America. Today’s episode features four Spanish speaking ministry wives sharing their heart for the Lord and their communities.  If you are a Spanish speaker, this episode is for you! If you are not, I encourage you to listen to the first few minutes, praising God for His mighty work in reaching every tribe and tongue and lifting up prayers for our sisters who are serving in Spanish speaking ministries.  Conmemorando el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, este episodio del pódcast Ministry Wives ha sido lanzado completamente en español. Send Network Español es una rama del ministerio de plantación de iglesias de la North American Mission Board, Send Network. Este ministerio provee recursos y apoya las pl