Chats With Susan Burrell

A Most Extraordinary Life



Ep #286 - A Most Extraordinary Life. An Interview with author and energy healer, Liliane Fortna. I am so honored and thrilled to welcome Liliane Fortna to Empowering Chats. Liliane is the author of the book, Winks from Above, Opening up to Signs and Synchronicities to Receive Little Miracles Each Day. We jumped right into this chat exploring where the signs and synchronicities come from. Liliane says they are all around us. Always. Which I believe too. However even though the signs are there we often don’t see them. Why? Because as Liliane puts it, we aren’t always paying attention or we become blocked. It’s about accessing our intuition and seeing beyond the veil, where the archangels reside, where our ancestors reside and where our spirit guides reside. As humans I believe we always want to feel safe. And in seeking that safety we find ways to block ourselves from that which brings on fear or the unknown. According to Liliane, by doing that we make the veil thicker and bigger to the point that we cannot see