

2 Timothy 1:12 — Where a person puts their hope in times of great trial tells much about them. In this sermon on 2 Timothy 1:12 titled “Come, Lord Jesus,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the words the apostle Paul wrote when he was imprisoned and facing death. He encouraged Timothy to stand in the faith that was delivered to the saints: the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul had not lost hope in the face of dire circumstances, but he was encouraging others in the face of his own death. This is what it looks like to trust in Christ until the end. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares how this trust is at the heart of the Christian life and is a source of peace. This is because Christians do not have to trust in politics or any other earthly institution for hope. It is Jesus who will return on the last day and bring the new heavens and the new earth. It is Jesus who will banish all sin and darkness, bringing all Christians’ hope to completion. This sermon asks the questions: “Where is your hope? Are you like many who rest in