

2 Timothy 1:12 — What is the focus of Christianity? Some say that Christianity is about simply being a good moral person, while others say that it is about religious experiences. In this sermon from 2 Timothy 1:12 titled “His Forever,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that Christianity from start to finish is concerned with the person and work of Jesus Christ. This Jesus was delivered up for humanity’s sins, rose from the dead in victory, and now reigns in heaven. Christians must not be distracted by anything other than Christ, for when Christianity is no longer about Christ, it seeks to be true religion. They must not trust in themselves, but rest wholly in Christ. Christians must understand that their relationship with God is not about their works, but about Jesus Christ’s unchanging love for them. This puts the emphasis away from good works (which are important) and points towards the works of Christ. The Christian ought to live a life of good works not because they are seeking to justify themselves, but becaus