Moody Presents

2024-07-13 Contrast Series: Anointed to Stand Firm Part 1 of 2



Welcoming you to another Moody Presents program and a "not so fun" question - remember those resolutions way back at the beginning of the year? Did you make any? Well, if you’ve eased off, you’re not the only one. According to statistics, on average, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February and here it is mid July! Good habits, especially ones drastically different from typical lifestyles are hard to get started and even harder to keep! Today, in our Contrast series, we’re  talking about standing firm today and not falling away... In our walk with God there are many who are inspired when they hear the Gospel and then make the commitment to follow God, but then persecution comes along and they fall away. 1st John addresses this... let’s get ready for the last days!See for privacy information.