Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Meaning of the Gospel



2 Timothy 1:12 — In this sermon on 2 Timothy 1:12 titled “The Meaning of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that many people think they can construct a worldview built from Christianity along with other religions or ways of thought and still experience the same hope as a follower of Christ. But as Dr. Lloyd-Jones illustrates from this Scripture, no one can have the benefits of Christianity without believing and following Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the gospel and its importance for everyone. Jesus, the God-man, entered into time and became God in the flesh. In His living, He showed how one is to live. In His sacrificial death and resurrection, He made a way for people to be made right with God and to have their sins forgiven. All that He claimed to be while alive was proven by His resurrection, showing that He is God and the Lord over all, even death. He established that death is not the end — He has conquered it. One cannot have this hope and confidence unless they trust in Jesus solely as the