Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - June 26, 2024 - Kingdom



(1:52) Bible Study: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3 Father unpacks the history in this reading Mt 7:15-20 Father explains what fruit is. (21:53) Break 1 (22:47) Letters: Father answers questions about how to know when the scripture is literal or figurative, how Eucharistic miracles match up with the spiritual reality of the Eucharist and Is God ashamed of us. (34:41) Break 2 (35:31) Word of the Day: Kingdom (42:23) Phones: Mike - Question about dome of the Rock, do historians know where the Dome of the Rock in situations to the temple.  Was it part of it? John - What's the difference b/w evangelizing with our life and evangelizing by word & deed?