Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - June 27, 2024 - Forgiveness



(1:49) Bible Study: 2 Kgs 24:8-17 Father talks about the history of these readings. Mt 7:21-29 How do you know you are from the Lord? Father answers this. (20:55) Break 1 (21:50) Letters: Father answers letters about the orthodox Church, the meaning of the word Jew, whether a person can be Buddhist and Catholic and the Traditional Latin Mass vs the Novus Ordo. (37:24) Break 2 (38:13) Word of the Day: Fool (40:54) Phones: Christina - Question about forgiveness, how to forgive someone? Don - Is it okay to pray the shorter version of the St. Michael prayer? Nathaniel - Is it okay to have lay people do communion services and is that necessary? Cathy - Question about those fear at the boat in the Gospels? At mass, they were talking about Apostles in the boat being frightened.   Priest said they're fully surrendering to God.