Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

EmunaIP.com Weekly Learning - The Very Very Good Land - Shema & Shemonei Esrei Daily!



We learn Kitzur Shulchan Aruch & Nesivos Shalom while learning from Parshat Shlach Lecha deep principles of real success! Summary of Responsibility & Connectivity to Hashem... United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - Part 44 - Don’t Under-estimate the Soul - Relationship, Soulmate, Business, Holiday, Parents of Soldiers Flow! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-124 #unitedsouls #soulflow #parentsofsoldiers #business #holiday #relationships... The Redemptive State & Time - https://www.facebook.com/share/v/apymTQhHuY93h1nW/?mibextid=w8EBqM PLEASE KEEP