Professional Book Nerds

Ep. #10 -- Interview with Marie Bostwick, author of the Cobbled Quilt and Too Much, Texas series



Say Hello! Find OverDrive on Facebook at OverDriveforLibraries and Twitter at @OverDriveLibs. Email us directly at    Episode Overview In this week's episode, Adam talks with Marie Bostwick, author of the popular Cobbled Quilt and Too Much, Texas series. Her new book, From Here to Home, comes out at the end of March and along with discussing that novel's unique protagonist Mary Dell Templeton, Marie also shares how she became the writer she is today, which happened almost accidentally. She also offers some really fantastic tips to all the writer's out there on how to achieve their own writing goals. Her love of reading and libraries started at an early age and she tells Adam about how she became the youngest card carrying member of her local library as a child.    Growing up, some of Marie's favorite books included: Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss Little House on the Prairie series My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank The Endless Ste