Professional Book Nerds

Ep. #15 -- Feminist Reads and True Crime



Episode Overview In today's episode we are talking about two of our favorite non-fiction categories: feminist/women's studies titles and true crime! We also talk about all of the recent non-fiction books of all genres that we've read and the forthcoming books that have us super excited. In our intro, Adam shares some celebrity memoirs that he has recently read and enjoyed. Share your own favorite women's studies and true crime titles by finding OverDrive on Facebook at and Twitter @OverDriveLibs or you can email the podcast directly at    Featured OverDrive Staff Jill, Cindy, and Rachel K.   Intro (0:00-2:44) You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day 700 Sundays by Billy Crystal Born Standing Up by Steve Martin    Big Library Read (2:45-5:49) American Sniper by Chris Kyle The Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell American Wife by Taya Kyle   Recent Reads (5:50-18:59) Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter by Kate Clifford L