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Mind Management, Not Time Management for Productivity When Creativity Matters with David Kadavy



David Kadavy is Author of Mind Management, Not Time Management. He's the former design and productivity advisor to Timeful, a productivity app bought by Google and integrated into Google Calendar. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. If you only have 24 hours in a day, there is a limit to just how much extra productivity you can squeeze out of that. There's just a limit to how much extra things you can squeeze into your time. Eventually you are just squeezing blood from a stone. 2. There's two different ways to approach time. There is the clock time and then there's the event time. clock time is when you are going by the clock and that's the main priority. Event time is more about meeting the objective than it is staying on the schedule. 3. There's just not as much respect for mental state and whether or not now is the right time for something, as there should be. Subscribe to LOVE MONDAYS NEWSLETTER. A 2-minute read packed with inspiration to make it as a creative. Join thousands of writers, artists, musicians, film directo