Nicole Isler

Culture Chaos: The Myth of More & Finding the Path Back to Your Soul



Feeling like you're always behind, never quite where you should be, or constantly comparing your worst to someone else's best? Welcome to the chaotic world culture has created for us! In this eye-opening episode, we unravel how recent societal norms have conditioned us to chase unattainable goals, feel perpetual discontent, and disconnect from our true selves. We’re taught to believe we should be farther along our path, and that our worth is tied to our achievements. This relentless race to an ever-moving finish line has stirred up envy, drama, and a pervasive sense of failure. It’s no wonder anxiety, depression, and mental breaking points are on the rise. But here’s the twist: life isn’t about reaching that elusive 'there.' It's about appreciating the 'here.' By reconnecting with your soul and embracing where you are right now, you can move forward with a sense of fulfillment and joy. Let’s shift from an outside-in approach, where external accomplishments define our happiness, t