Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

Ontario's Healthcare Crisis



Libby Znaimer is joined, first, by Dr. Kevin Smith, President and CEO of the University Health Network followed by Dr. Doris Grinspun, CEO of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) and Helen Winter, a registered Nurse working in the emergency department of a downtown Toronto hospital. Ontario hospitals are grappling with a staffing shortage issue and it's so bad that several of them have had to close their ER departments. According to the Ontario Nurses Association, more than 20 hospitals have had to close so far. Many of the staff shortages involve nurses and there are cases where nurses are being asked to pick up extra shifts, handle a very high patient load and are often asked to work outside their specialty. Helen Winter describes that many are leaving the profession due to burnout. She tells us that she has had to cut back on her hours and that nurses have a significant repertoire of skills that can be transferred to other higher paying jobs outside of the hospital. Today, our healthcare ex