Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

Is Privatizing In Healthcare a Good Idea in Ontario?



Libby Znaimer is joined by Lauren O'Neil, Senior News Editor of BlogTO, Councillor James Pasternak (Ward 6 York Centre) and Councillor Brad Bradford (Ward 19 Beaches East York). Today: There's plenty to talk about here in Toronto. First, we look at City Council where at least 7 Councillors are not going to be seeking re-election in October including veterans like Mike Layton, Denzil Minnan-Wong and others. So, what will the future of Toronto City Council look like? In other Toronto news, we take a closer look at the ongoing feud between cyclists and pedestrians in the city's popular High Park. And, now cyclists are expressing anger for feeling harassed by police who are cracking down on speeders in the park. And, finally, we've learned what the Ford government's strong mayoral powers will entail. ---- UNIFOR ELECTS NEW LEADER Libby Znaimer is now joined by Dr. Rafael Gomez, an associate professor of employment relations at the University of Toronto. This week: Now we turn to an historic election at Canada’