Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

Bill 7 is Passed & The Latest on the Laith Marouf Scandal



Libby Znaimer is joined by Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Geriatrics at Mount Sinai and the University Health Network Hospitals in Toronto and France Gelinas, Ontario NDP MPP (Nickel-Belt) and Health Critic. Bill 7 has passed without public hearings. The government has given it the somewhat Orwellian name More Beds Better Bare act but many doubt that will be the result. The long term care minister has assured us no one will be forced to go to an LTC they don’t want. The Premier has assured us those people won’t be charged the $1800/day uninsured rate. But we haven’t been told how much they will be charged.  By the numbers about 6,000 patients are in hospital waiting to be placed somewhere else. Less than a third need to go into nursing homes - there’s nothing in the bill increasing access to home care which would also clear many of  those beds. Also, nursing homes have warned they are more short staffed than hospitals. Is this just setting up our elders for another catastrophe when another wave hits? We have m