Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

Loblaw Freezes Prices On No Name Products



Libby Znaimer today is joined by David Cravit, Chief Membership Officer of CARP, Bill VanGorder, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Policy Officer at CARP,  and Peter Muggeridge, Senior Editor of Zoomer Magazine. Today: our Zoomer Squad does a recap of last week's Toronto mayoral debate hosted by CARP. Topics included: "aging in place", affordability, transit, and the reality that city services don't appear to be functioning well (or at all). And, our squad reacts to the news that Loblaw is putting a price freeze on no name products. --- LIZ WEST SHARES HER EXPERIENCE OF RUNNING FOR CITY COUNCIL IN THE PAST Libby Znaimer is now joined by Liz West, co-host of the Afternoon Express on Zoomer Radio, who ran for Toronto city council twice in the past and lost both times to the incumbent Paula Fletcher for the Toronto-Danforth ward. She explains what that experience was like and she weighs in on the current municipal election cycle and whether Torontonians are really engaging with it. ---- LOBLAW PUTS A PRICE FRE