Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

The Day After 417 Elections



RECOVERING POLITICIANS PANEL:  THE DAY AFTER THE ELECTION Libby Znaimer is joined by Howard Hampton, Former Ontario NDP Leader, Hugh Segal, Former Senator of Canada and John Milloy, formerOntario Liberal MPP who served as a cabinet minister under Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne. It’s Tuesday - time to talk politics and it is the morning after municipal elections - 417 of them - which yielded few surprises, a nod to incumbency, and the lowest voter turnout in history. In Toronto, 29% - John Tory sailed to a third term with 62% of the vote. But here is the disappointing math: 62% of 29% is just under 18 which means the mayor of the country's largest city was elected by under 18% of eligible voters. Meanwhile the province is taking the lead on issues of housing and development with an announcement on zoning and things related this afternoon. And here’s one that has us scratching our heads: why is Doug Ford fighting a summon to appear before the inquiry into the use of emergency powers to end the convoy prot