Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

Why UofT Divesting from Israeli Companies Would be Impossible



THE ZOOMER SQUAD: CARP CALLS ON BC GOVERNMENT FOR FREE RSV, SHINGLES VACCINES FOR ZOOMERS Libby Znaimer is joined by Anthony Quinn, Chief Community Officer of CARP, Rudy Buttignol, President of CARP and John Wright, Executive Vice President of Maru Public Opinion. It’s Monday - time for our Zoomer Squad and CARP is getting some traction on its campaign demanding government coverage for vaccines crucial to the health of older Canadians - like the RSV vaccine. The need to pay for those and for so much else is driving Zoomers back to work out of necessity rather than desire. And former Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz is looking into how the CPP and other pension funds can invest more here in Canada. Is that a good or bad idea? NEW GUIDELINES FOR BREAST CANCER SCREENING Libby Znaimer is now joined by Dr. Martin Yaffe, Senior Scientist at Sunnybrook Research Institute and Co-Director, Imaging Research Program at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research as well as Siobhan Grennan, who was part of the Wor