Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

An Experience of Christ



Philippians 3:8 — Christianity is to be central to one’s life and completely captivate thoughts, actions, and the way one lives. Unlike many other worldviews and religions, it is very experiential. Christians are called not only to know more about Christ, but they are called to experience the fullness of life that He provides. The gospel was intended to be woven into every aspect of the Christian’s being. In this sermon on Philippians 3:8 titled “An Experience of Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points to the Apostle Paul, reminding of what this looks like when played out in reality. He gave up everything and suffered persecution because of the gospel. When one becomes a Christian, the whole person is involved. Christ takes over all of one’s being when they submit to Him. Another way that salvation changes the Christian is that it is always increasing in value. How is this seen in Scripture? Paul was very honest in saying that Christ had made everything else in the world seem like trash in comparison. When the