Church On The Rock Homer

Kingdom Blessing | To Those Who Missed Out



Some of the most painful losses I have experienced in this life have been losses mostly suffered in silence. Not every loss, but many of them. This grief is one you are probably familiar with, mourning over the life that could have been. Hopes unrealized. Faded friendships. Love lost. Dreams forfeited. Surprise hardships. As a follower of Jesus, some of these losses seemed at the hand of God and some were at my own hand. I made a decision in obedience to my Savior and King and in that decision chose to let go of something very dear, something very precious to me. And it hurt. According to Jesus in His teaching on the mount, I am blessed. I am a fortunate and privileged person because there is a greater reality that supersedes my temporal experience. There is a greater good that will add up to something exceedingly more than my loses. Pastor Aaron Weisser