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How to Generate Million Dollar Visibility as An In Demand Guest Expert with Melanie Benson



Melanie Benson, Authority Amplifier for Expert-preneurs, shows you how to generate Million Dollar Visibility. Since 2000, she has a proven track record of 2-5x revenue for her clients. She’s host of the Top 1.5 percent Podcast, Amplify Your Success, author of Rewired for Wealth, and Entrepreneur.com’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. By focusing on one solution and becoming an authority in it, you will gain power and momentum. This approach has amplified my business, brand, revenue, and impact on the world. 2. In a crowded market, sounding like everyone else leads to confusion and inaction from buyers. 3. Getting in front of the right audiences on the right shows can seem daunting, but many competitors have not tapped into podcasting's potential for visibility and profit. Visit and get your FREE SCORECARD & GUIDE! Learn How to Avoid the 17 Biggest Mistakes as a Guest Expert That Cost You The Lead (so you can Add Additional 6-Figures to Your Business) - Fre