Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 30: Hiring Great People with Patrick Lencioni



Most small businesses make mistakes when hiring, but who you hire is one of the most important decisions you'll make in your business! So in this episode, I'll share the hiring mistakes I've made in the past, and teach you my 7 Rules of Hiring! My guest this week is one of my favorite speakers and authors, Patrick Lencioni! He has written 11 incredible books-many of which are about building strong teams and hiring. Y'all, this is one of my favorite interviews to date! Patrick is a wealth of information and practical advice, and he'll help you avoid the pitfalls of hiring the wrong people. He'll also share the best-kept hiring secrets that some of your favorite companies, like Southwest Airlines, actually use! And our success story this week is Katie Finklea. Katie owns Loving Well Living Well, which she was inspired to start after attending a Business Boutique event. She saw a gap between adoption and foster care advocacy and education, and was passionate about providing a solution to that problem. God is tru