Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 42: Building Business Relationships with Emily Richett



There's this idea out there that building relationships is just easy for some people. And sure, if you have a social personality and are naturally an extrovert, or if you love to talk and connect with people, then yes, maybe building relationships is easier for you. But your personality style doesn't have to dictate your ability to build relationships! After all, everyone has a little bit of insecurity in them. As you can probably guess, I'm a huge extrovert. But I still get a little nervous walking into a party or situation where I don't know anyone. We all know what it's like to feel like the new kid at school. So for those of us who have a super extroverted personality style, it doesn't mean that we won't ever struggle with building relationships. And building relationships isn't only vital in your life, but it's also vital to your business. Everything you will ever achieve in your life will come through people-so becoming good at building relationships is one of the most important skills you can develop.