The Classic Tales Podcast

Ep. 936, Ligeia, by Edgar Allan Poe VINTAGE



When the brilliant, raven-haired beauty Ligeia falls ill, will her genius be enough to help her recover?  Edgar Allan Poe, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.  Welcome to this Vintage Episode of The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.  A Vintage Episode is released every Tuesday. If the show has helped you find comfort, peace, or a quiet place to mentally rest, please help us to help more people like you by going to, and becoming a supporter. New stories are coming your way on Friday. Keep an ear open for our Kickstarter for The Golden Triangle – the seventh novel in the Arsène Lupin series. We’ll let you know when we’re ready to kick off.  Playwright and critic George Bernard Shaw said of today’s story, “The story of the Lady Ligeia is not merely one of the wonders of literature: it is unparalleled and unapproached”. I hope you like it.  And now, Ligeia, by Edgar Allan Poe  Follow this link to become a monthly supporter:  Follow this link to subscribe to our