Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 2nd June 2024



Dorothy Manley's story, 'The Chimney Sweep', is the first in her collection called 'Fairy's Ground : Homely Tales and Poems'. In the 'Homely Tales' she creates a male narrator who brings the first tale to an end and embarks on a second, entitled 'The Farmer'.Jonathan Harker's journal is describing how he is pleased that his wife, Mina, is sleeping dreamlessly, but that he himself is tired but not sleepy. However, he realises that he needs to sleep to be ready for whatever the next day brings. We continue exploring Bram Stoker's story of 'Dracula' in a translation into Manx.As y kiaull 'sy chlaare y cheayrt shoh -CABESTAN - Les vieux 'la vieilleMANDY GRIFFIN & FRANK WOOLLEY - My henn ghooinney mieCAM KERNEWEK - PhoebeRICHARD HAYWARD - Three flowersPEDAIR - PhilomelaROSS AINSLIE - VanavasaGERARD JAFFRES - KenavoERIKA KELLY - Better I tryAPHEX TWIN - Jynweythek ylow