Heart To Heart With Michael

Honoring a Mother’s Strength and Love: The Liben Family Stories



Can a mother’s love shape an entire family’s destiny? Join us for a deeply moving tribute to Zipporah Liben, the resilient mother of host Michael Liben and a beacon of strength for her family. Alongside Michael are his siblings, Shirah Ozery and Rabbi Dan Liben, and guest host Anna Jaworski. They come together to share intimate stories and memories that celebrate Zipporah’s life, her unique upbringing between New York and Tel Aviv, and her vital contributions to the Zionist movement. Journey with us as we hear about Zipporah’s unwavering love for Israel, her role as a devoted mother, and the indelible impact she left on her children and grandchildren.Explore the profound and often challenging experience of anticipatory grief as the Liben family recounts their mother’s strength and resilience during the decline of their father’s health. Shirah and Dan offer heartfelt insights into their mother's renewed connection to Israel post-Six-Day War and her inspiring feminist influence. Listen to stories of Zipporah’s