Yoga | Birth | Babies

How to Avoid a Traumatic Birth with Dr. Rebecca L. Dekker, PhD, RN



Today we’re talking about how to overcome, and avoid, traumatic childbirth experiences. My guest for this conversation, Rebecca, shared with me a statistic that blew my mind: 35-45% of people report having a traumatic birth… An absolutely enormous number! Throughout our conversation, Rebecca shares some key factors that play a role resulting in traumatic birth experiences, red flags to keep an eye out for when working with your care provider, and 3 top-tier tips for preparing for childbirth. Additionally, we go into her expert’s take on elective labor induction, how to advocate for yourself, and different birthing positions. We round out our wonderful conversation with how parents and those in the birth team can learn to advocate for themselves if they are feeling pressured or coerced by their care provider. The information in this conversation is so rich and I’m hoping that by the end of this conversation, you’re going to feel so much more ready to move into that experience and have the confidence of your te