Hero Hero Ghost Show!

Hero Hero Ghost Show! – Bonus Episode #1: Colette Balmain



You may not immediately recognize the name of our guest, but you will after this episode!  Colette Balmain is a speaker and author specializing in Asian horror and literally wrote the book on the subject.  Her book, Introduction to Japanese Horror Film, is preparing for its second edition release and has been an invaluable tool in researching this show.  She was kind enough to come on and talk what makes Asian horror scary, the best examples of these films, both old and new, the joys of gore cinema, resolving cultural differences as a viewer and manages to be absolutely charming while name-dropping Big Tits Zombie on several occasions.  I found the conversation to be enlightening and funny, and I hope you enjoy it, too. Do me a favor and follow Colette on Twitter here (@ColetteBalmain) and keep up with her latest work and maybe even drop her a line and tell her how great she was on the show (which she most certainly is!).  While you’re at it, hop over to iTunes and leave us a rating and review to help spread