Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 14th February 2021



The efforts by the Douglas Fire Brigade to deal with a fire in the belfry of St Thomas's Church in Douglas attracted some negative comments from the newspapers of the day. We find out why as we hear a description of the events of Sunday evening, 11th February 1912. Our story in Manx is by a social worker from Sheffield, Amanda Marples, who won a prize as a new author. In this Manx translation the story is called 'Fer y Tattoo'. Even better, it all takes place on a tram. As y kiaull ain: CRIW 1985 - Dwylo dros y mor JULIE FOWLIS - A ghaoil, leig dhachaigh gum mhathair mi BAGAD KADOUDAL - Kan bal Kadoudal ED SHEERAN - Galway girl FIGUREHEAD - Gonna leave her onshore CLARE KILGALLON / BBC SCOTTISH ORCHESTRA - Manx dirk dance CRIW 2020 - Dwylo dros y mor THE MIDDEN - Long time gone LLAN DE CUBEL - Urbies