Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 21st February 2021



Bishop Thomas Wilson enjoyed a long episcopacy from 1697 to 1755. However, relations with his former tutorial charge, James Stanley, who became the Tenth Earl of Derby in 1702, became strained in the early 1700s. We hear of one point of friction over the case of Mary Hendricks. Our short story in Manx is a translation of a mysterious piece by Virginia Woolf. In fact, it's shorter than usual, so we also go back to three pieces of flash fiction based on work by Sheila Elliott, Jenn Linning and Kate Fellowes. As nyn giaull - BARRULE - Illiam boght SOWENA - Jim Stacey DEAF SHEPHERD - Finbarr Saunders/Chloe's passion/Damsadh Chainnach MIM TWM LLAI - Arwain i'r mor FIONA MacKENZIE & CRUINN - A phiuthrag's a phiuthair BAGAD KEMPER - Dans Plin SEOSAMH O hEANAI - Cunnla BRENDA WOOTTON - De Sul vytyn BARRULE - The wheel of fire