Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 23rd July 2023



David Robertson's walking tour of the Island actually was completed several chapters ago, but he had a further four chapters of observations. However, after that, although he finishes Chapter XVIII with END OF THE TOUR, the book continues with REVIEW OF THE MANKS HISTORY, which is also interesting as he views history as understood or surmised in the 1790s. During the night, Professor Van Helsing has bored and sawed his way into Lucy Westenra's lead coffin to reveal that it's empty. However, he returns with Dr John Seward to open the coffin again during the day - and there's is Lucy, but as fresh and beautiful as she was in life! As nyn giaull - CLASH VOOAR - Lhig y bullad TRIP - The Arabic STEPHEN RENNICKS - An Cailin Ciuin KARINE POLWART & DAVE MILLIGAN - Travel these ways UN CHORAA - Skeealyn Ellan Vannin MORVRAN - Delkiow sivy/Oll an gerriow e'en beaz RUTH KEGGIN & RACHEL HAIR - Eubonia soilshagh/Yn grine veg oarn DERVISH - A stor mo chroi DERVISH - Drag her round the road