Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 21st January 2024



Dorothy Wordsworth, sister of the poet, William, kept a diary of her visit to the Island in 1828, when she stayed with Henry and Joanna Hutchinson on the South Quay in Douglas. They were brother and sister to William Wordsworth's wife, Mary. The Wordsworths also had friends in the Island, including Rev Robert Brown, father of Manx poet, T E Brown. Jonathan Harker is trying to track down boxes of Transylvanian soil that Count Dracula has had taken from his house in Purfleet, Essex, to addresses in London. Meanwhile he notes that his wife, Mina, is looking pale. As y kiaull ain - SEAN O SE - Do bhi bean uasal/Carrickfergus SIDAN - Di enw NATIONAL FOLK DANCE ORCHESTRA, Cond. Arnold Foster - Soldier's joy YVES LEBLANC - Mains aux genoux RUTH KEGGIN & RACHEL HAIR - Arrane oie vie CAM KERNEWEK - Carol Coref/Fer Lyskerys BING CROSBY - Galway Bay SIDAN - Cwsg, Osian DAIMH - Domhnall Mor na Ceapaich