Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

Getting deep about deepfakes



Today, we’re talking about the different efforts to invest in artificial intelligence. First up, guest host Lily Jamali breaks down Argentina’s endeavor to turn the country into an AI hub. Then, we’ll discuss the use of AI and deepfakes in India’s election in an attempt to reach voters. Later, we’ll smile about America’s first Black astronaut candidate finally taking a trip to space. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Argentina’s Milei Plans to Meet With Zuckerberg at End of May” from Bloomberg  “Indian Voters Are Being Bombarded With Millions of Deepfakes. Political Candidates Approve” from Wired  Marketplace’s Decoding Democracy election series “Dirty Dancing, Back to the Future and E.T. Voted Best 80s Films: Poll Reveals Top 40 Movies From Big-Hair Days” from Good News Network “Ed Dwight Goes to Space 63 Years After Training as 1st Black Astronaut” from The New York Times “Can life exist on Europa, Jupiter’s moon?” from Marketplace We love to h