Agency Intelligence

Millionaire Insurance Producer: Throwback: Admit it. You sell on price!



Admit it. Go ahead. Admit that you win a lot of new business by being the agent who offers a cheaper priced quote than your competitor. It's ok. Go ahead and admit. Why? Because that's a good thing. A very good thing. Price is very important. Price is so important, actually, that you'd be doing yourself a disservice to ignore it. In fact, you will set far FEWER new business appointments if you do NOT talk about price.  In this throwback episode of the Millionaire Insurance Producer podcast, host Charles Specht talks about why and how you should prospect on price, and how to use it to set more new business appointments going forward. (And, he even gives you a few examples to use toward the end!) Episode Highlights: Charles explains that most insurance agents do not build a book of business being more expensive than the incumbent agent. (2:28) Charles discusses the importance of understanding and admitting that pricing is very important in prospecting and setting appointments. (4:07) Charles explains that