Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

The value of “third places”



A “third place” is where people hang out when they’re not at home or work, and they’re becoming increasingly important for building community and connection. Guest host Reema Khrais explains why we’re hearing a lot more about them these days and shares the story behind her own third place. But first, we’ll discuss the knock-on effects of falling birth rates across the globe, why some cities are lowering speed limits, and why we don’t recommend throwing darts at stock listings. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Suddenly There Aren’t Enough Babies. The Whole World Is Alarmed.” from The Wall Street Journal “Why New York City is lowering its speed limit” from Vox “Why accidents aren’t accidental” from The Gray Area with Sean Illing  “The Random Path to Stock-Market Riches” from The Wall Street Journal “If you want to belong, find a third place” from Vox We want to hear about your third place! Tell us about it at or leave u