Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Mentors: How to Find One and How to Be One, with Marci Alboher



Mentors can make an incredible difference in your career. A mentor can make introductions, give you advice, and provide you with a trusted reference. Our guest expert this week is Marci Alboher, vice president of Discover why mentors matter, how to find mentors and why you should be one yourself. About Our Guest: Marci Alboher Marci Alboher(, a Vice President at, is one of the nation’s leading authorities on career issues and workplace trends. A former blogger and columnist for The New York Times, her latest book is “The Encore Career Handbook: How to Make a Living and a Difference in the Second Half of Life.” ( Marci serves on the board of directors of Girls Write Now and as a mentor editor for The OpEd Project. Marci lives in NYC, with her husband Jay and their French bulldog Sinatra. Resources in this Episode: New tool: Online classroom Udacity has teamed up with Google to provide 12 free cours