Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Build Your Network Strategically, with Sara Holtz



Building a network is essential to finding a career in today’s competitive online job market. Today, the Mac’s List team explores how to build your network strategically with guest expert Sara Holtz. Find out how to develop a strategy for expanding your network and learn why the casual approach of asking your colleague for a chat over coffee may not be the best move. About Our Guest: Sara Holtz Sara Holtz is passionate about helping women succeed in the workplace. Sara launched the Advice to My Younger Me podcast to serve as a "virtual mentor" to help younger women navigate a sometimes confusing workplace. In each episode, Sara and her guest, another successful women who has "been there, learned this," provide clear, practical career advice. Sara comes to this podcast after a very accomplished career as a business lawyer, senior executive at Fortune 500 companies and as a nationally-recognized expert helping women lawyers achieve career success. She is a graduate of Yale College and Harvard Law School. Res