Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Why You Can't Keep Your Options Open, with Caroline Adams



It’s a common phrase when you’re looking for a job, “keep your options open.” However, keeping all of your options open and applying everywhere is typically not the best approach. Career coach Caroline Adams reveal why it’s in your best interest to be strategic, intentional, and laser-focused with your job search. About Our Guest: Caroline Adams Caroline is a career coach, writer, and business owner, helping millennial women design careers with purpose. Before becoming a coach, Caroline had a 20-year corporate career focused on organizational change. She began as a management consultant at Accenture and ended up as a Director of Anti-Money Laundering at Citibank, making some pretty cool pivots along the way. What she’s always loved most is helping people define their careers. She’s made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and ultimately get wherever they want to go. Resources in this Episode: New tool: Explore two new tools from LinkedIn that can help you make new connections ‒ Find Nearby (h