Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Back to Work Strategies for Stay at Home Parents, with Stephanie Smith



If you are preparing to return to work after some time as a stay at home parent, you may feel unsure about where to begin. How do you explain the gap in your resume while also showing what you’ve accomplished during that time? Find Your Dream Job podcast guest Stephanie Smith says a smart job search strategy starts with getting your career documents in order. Stephanie also stresses the importance of using online tools like LinkedIn to help you stay in touch with industry leaders. And you should never underestimate the value of connecting with others through parenting groups or volunteer opportunities. Parenthood is a powerful experience that brings people together and those relationships can help you not only personally, but also professionally. About Our Guest: Stephanie Smith ( is the co-founder and chief operating officer of Livelipath ( It’s a software company that customizes your resume and cover letter for any job applica