Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

What to Do If Networking Is Not Working, with Linda Van Valkenburgh



If you find yourself avoiding networking events, maybe you need to change your mindset around them. It’s normal to feel nervous when you don’t know anyone who will be there or you feel unsure of what to say or do. Find Your Dream Job guest Linda Van Valkenburgh says that preparation is the key when attending a networking event. Linda also advises putting together a one-pager to distribute rather than your resume, bringing business cards, and thinking through what you want to share before you get there. About Our Guest: Linda Van Valkenburgh ( is a certified executive career coach. She helps her clients plan, manage, and organize individualized career campaigns. Linda is a frequent speaker at networking and professional groups. She also has presented at the Yale School of Management and the University of Connecticut’s School of Business. Resources in This Episode: Visit Linda’s website ( to take a career transition assessment. T