Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

How to Talk About Your Strengths in a Job Interview, with Gregory Heller



It’s easy to tell a hiring manager about the specific successes you had in past positions. What’s not so easy is describing how your strengths led to those successes. But Find Your Dream Job guest Gregory Heller says it’s crucial to explain how those successes can transfer to a new job, and you do that by addressing your strengths that made them possible. Gregory suggests getting clear on the top 3 strengths you possess and practicing sharing them in an interview. He also recommends using informational interviews to gain clarity on what the companies you’re interested in are looking for in a new hire.  About Our Guest: Gregory Heller ( is the senior associate director of MBA career management at the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington ( Gregory also hosts the podcast, Conversations on Careers and Professional Life (  Resources i