Chaz & Aj In The Morning

Wednesday, May 8: Is Stew Leonard's Finally Coming To Orange?; A Wacky Top 10 List; How A Moth Ruined A First Date



Stew Leonard's in Orange? Chaz and AJ spoke with Stew Leonard Jr. about the possibility of a brand new store coming to Orange, to occupy a recently vacated building space. Plus, a little history about why Stew Leonard's was not able to move into Orange a few years ago. (0:00) This is not your average Top 10 list. Tribe member Bedelia agreed to try, but seemed confused on the difference between William Shatner and Captain Kirk, frequently lost her place, and yet still made the whole thing entertaining. (14:34) News 8's Jeff Derderian was in studio, driving all the way in from Rhode Island, to share a bizarre story about a moth ruining a first date. (27:18) William Yeske, a combat veteran who served 11 years in the United States Army, was on to talk about his book "Damn the Valley." William admits he never thought anyone would want to read his stories, but found that a lot of his honesty resonated with other veterans who had struggled since returning home from active duty. (38:05)