The Classic Tales Podcast

Ep. 609,The Inimitable Jeeves, Part 2of7, by P.G. Wodehouse



How can Jeeves help to keep Aunt Agatha from hounding Bertie to marry, when he’s turned frosty about a certain scarlet cummerbund? P.G. Wodehouse, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. The Classic Tales Podcast is listener supported. Thank you so very much to all of you who have gone to and become financial supporters. There are several options to support the podcast, starting at $5 a month. Each of your offers of support comes with a monthly “thank-you” code. Use the codes for any audiobook download, and grow your library of classics. Everybody wins! And we get to keep the podcast going strong. Thanks again for your generous support. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but do you know why you don’t hear a whole bunch of credits at the end of the show? That’s because this show is a bit of a one-man band. Where other podcasts and shows have artists to come up with the artwork, producers to choose the content, directors t