The Classic Tales Podcast

Ep. 912, The Man Upstairs, by P.G. Wodehouse VINTAGE



Annette Brougham can't get any composing done with all the racket from the apartment upstairs. But when she meets the handsome, pompous tenant, her humor only improves slightly. P.G. Wodehouse, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.  Welcome to this Vintage Episode of The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.  A Vintage Episode is released every Tuesday. Please help us to continue producing amazing audiobooks by going to, and becoming a supporter. New content is still coming your way on Fridays.  Tomorrow is the Classic Tales Book Club! We’ll be meeting on Zoom on March 13th at 4:00PM pacific time, 7 PM Eastern Time. Zoom links will be sent through the newsletter, so be sure you’re subscribed and watching your emails. See you then!  Today’s story is part of a collection of short stories titled, The Man Upstairs and Other Stories. It’s a compilation of various stories that don’t contain any of Wodehouse’s typical characters, and fall outside of any canon. I hope you