The Classic Tales Podcast

Ep. 920, The Yellow Wallpaper VINTAGE, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman



What does our nervous heroine see in the yellow wallpaper, that no one else can?  Charlotte Perkins Gilman, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.  Welcome to this Vintage Episode of The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.  A Vintage Episode is released every Tuesday. Please help us to continue producing amazing audiobooks by going to, and becoming a supporter. New content is still coming your way on Fridays.  Keep an ear open for our Kickstarter for The Golden Triangle – the sixth novel in the Arsène Lupin series. We’re getting ready with boxed sets, special editions, and more! We’ll let you know when we’re ready to pull the trigger.  And it’s time for the Classic Tales Book Club to meet again! Keep an eye on your inboxes today for our monthly newsletter which will contain the zoom link. Our zoom meeting will be on Wednesday, April 10th at 4:00 Pacific time, 7:00 Eastern. We’ll talk about the satirical nature of Gulliver’s Travels, and the power of satire. See y